Unfortunately, chronic pain and physically progressive illnesses don’t take a winter break. So, the colder seasons for homebound individuals can easily become one of the most uncomfortable times of the year.

However, with the help of in-home physical therapy from Angel Home Healthcare Services, an individual can keep their body in motion and on the road to recovery from the comfort of their own home.

Here’s a closer look at why physical therapy is so important during the winter and how in-home services vastly improve the effectiveness of PT sessions.

Physical Therapy Keeps Individuals Moving

Movement is important for those in recovery or living with physical restrictions. Winter weather can prevent individuals from getting out and attending physical therapy appointments.

In fact, external physical therapy is nearly impossible if your loved one is homebound. In-home physical therapy helps keep individuals moving and prevents an idle lifestyle that could lead to further pain, weight gain, muscle loss, and decreased blood flow.

Physical Therapy Helps Promote Mental Health

Unfortunately, being homebound combined with the “winter blues” can take a toll on an individual’s mental wellbeing. Even if physical therapy isn’t something required in a loved one’s medical regimen, scheduling regular in-home sessions can be beneficial in physical and mental ways for the recipient.

Physical therapy and movement in general releases endorphins in the mind that help improve mental health while improving the general mobility of an individual.

Homebound Individuals Feel More Independent

Physical therapy is meant to help individuals regain the strength and mobility they may have lost in an accident or as a chronic illness progresses. In-home physical therapy brings a sense of independence that can be hard for homebound individuals to recover once mobility is hampered.

Physical therapy sessions from the comfort of a person’s home, help them regain control over certain aspects of their lives.

4 Ways Physical Therapy Sessions Promote Independence:

  • They improve coordination and posture
  • The development of respiratory strength
  • Improved mobility and speed
  • Using physical therapy as a means to manage chronic pain

Physical Therapy Helps With Injury Prevention

On top of the mental and independent elements of physical therapy, in-home sessions can also help prevent dangerous injuries that can easily occur around the home. Cold weather is known to be a catalyst for slip and fall accidents on a person’s property.

Regular physical therapy sessions help improve balance, movement, and general mobility that can mitigate the risks of a devastating injury. On top of these benefits, performing therapy from home helps familiarize the body with navigating specific locations and further prevents the risk of a slip and fall injury.

Schedule In-Home Physical Therapy with Angel Home Healthcare Services Today

If your loved one is homebound and requires physical therapy, let Angel Home Healthcare Services help meet their needs with comfort and professionalism.

Our in-home physical therapy comes with the award-winning home health care that you’d expect any external medical location to provide. The difference with us is the emphasis on a personal experience, the safety of your loved one recovering at home, and quicker results based on the comfort of a familiar environment.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule an appointment with a member of our physical therapy team.