Care from the Comfort of Home
The best quality of life is something that everyone deserves. However, when we age, or an illness progresses, daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and cooking can become difficult and frustrating tasks to perform.
In some cases, these and other activities can lead to falls or other health-related dangers. Loved ones can and do offer assistance; but with the fast paced lives of today, it can be difficult to manage care and uphold the quality of life an individual deserves.
Rather than placing your loved one in a facility such as assisted living, adult day communities, or nursing homes, we at Angel Home Healthcare Services offer the opportunity to keep your loved one in a familiar environment, surrounded by their family, friends, and their belongings.
Long-term care provided in the individual’s home will allow them to remain independent, confident, and comfortable; resulting in the best quality of life possible.
We offer the family assurance that their loved ones receive quality care and support when they are unable to provide it themselves.

What is Long-Term Health Care?
Long-Term Care services are reserved for individuals who temporarily or permanently require assistance with their daily activities. The long-term health care program was designed to offer an individual’s primary caregiver relief and support when caregiving becomes difficult.
Our program allows an individual to remain in their home and receive care just as if their primary caregiver was providing the assistance. With long-term care services we place an attendant in the home to provide not only safe assistance with daily tasks, but to also offer companionship to the individual while giving peace of mind to the primary caregiver as they go about their daily life.
We take pride in the quality of care that our providers offer to each of our in-home clients.The personalized care that our team provides is dedicated to helping you or your loved one live their life comfortably, safely and as independent as possible while remaining in the home environment.
Our Services
Long-term care services from Angel Home Healthcare truly make living at home in this season of life a safe alternative that provides essential care from the comfort of their own home. Some of the services our long-term care providers offer include:
Our Services
Long-term care services from Angel Home Healthcare truly make living at home in this season of life a safe alternative that provides essential care from the comfort of their own home. Some of the services our long-term care providers offer include:
This service includes:
- Drawing water in the sink, basin, or tub
- Hauling or heating water
- Laying out bathing supplies
- Assisting in or out of tub/shower
- Sponge bathing and drying
- Bed bathing and drying
- Tub bathing and drying
- Stand-by assistance for safety
Our dressing services include the following:
- Dressing the individual
- Undressing the individual
- Laying out clothes
Meal Preparation
This service includes:
- Cooking full meals
- Warming up prepared food
- Meal preparation
- Helping to plan meals
- Cutting an individual’s food for eating
- Spoon-feeding
- Bottle-feeding
- Assistance with eating utensils, drinking utensils, and adaptive devices, not including tube-feeding
- Stand-by assistance and encouragement
- We walk with the individual
Routine Hair or Skin Care
Our hair and skin care services include:
- Washing hair
- Drying hair
- Assistance with setting, rolling, or braiding hair
- Combing and brushing hair
- The application of nonprescription lotion to skin
- Washing hands and face
- Makeup application
- Laying out supplies
Our hair services do not include cutting or chemical processing of hair.
Assistance with Self-Administered Medications
- Reminding the individual when it’s time to take medication
- Retrieving medication bottles or medication box
- Supplying a drink to swallow medications with
- Changing diapers
- Assisting on or off bedpan
- Urinal assistance
- Feminine hygiene needs assistance
- Assistance with clothing during toileting
- Assistance with toilet hygiene
- Preparing toileting supplies and equipment
- Stand-by assistance
Our toileting services do not include catheter equipment preparation.
- Non-ambulatory movement from one stationary position to another. This does not include carrying an individual.
- Adjusting or changing an individual’s position in a bed or chair
- Assistance with rising from a sitting to standing position
- Assisting in positioning for the use of a walking apparatus
- Assistance with putting on/removing leg braces and prostheses
- Assistance with ambulation or using steps
- Wheelchair assistance
- Stand-by assistance
- Cleaning up after the individual
- Emptying and cleaning an individual’s bedside commode
- Cleaning the individual’s bathroom
- Changing the individual’s bed linens
- Making the individual’s bed
- Carrying out the trash
- Setting garbage bins out for pick-up
- Cleaning stovetops, counters, floors
- Washing the individual’s dishes
- Cleaning refrigerator and stove
Our laundry services only apply to the individual our program services. These benefits to our client include:
- Gathering and sorting laundry
- Hand-wash
- Loading and unloading appliances in residence
- Using laundromat machines
- Hanging clothes out to dry
- Folding and putting away clothes
Our shopping services for the individual include the following:
- Preparing a shopping list
- Traveling to the store to purchase and pick up items
- Picking up medication
- Storing the individual’s purchased items
- Accompanying the individual outside the home to support their quality of life within the community
- Transportation arrangement. We do not provide direct individual transportation.
- Accompanying the individual to a clinic, doctor’s office, or location for medical diagnosis or treatment
- Waiting in a doctor’s office or clinic with an individual if necessary
No matter what your financial situation is, our team of professionals is always ready to help your family make in-home long-term care a reality for your loved one.
Improve Quality of Life with Angel Home Healthcare Services
If you or a loved one needs help accomplishing daily tasks and desire to remain in the comfort and safety of your home, Angel Home Healthcare Services provides the in-home personal care you need.
Our long-term care opportunities offer the quality assistance you and your loved ones require to guarantee a safe, clean, and functioning home environment.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule your free in-home assessment.

Quality • Reliability • Dependable • Affordable
We can provide more information over the phone or schedule a free,
in-home nursing assessment.